Friday, April 18, 2008

Work At Home Jobs Report

Welcome to my first work at home jobs report. Just the fact that you are looking here tells me that you are interested in using the internet to create either supplemental of full income. You are about to enter a maze where the unwary can lose a lot of money. I know because I have lost tens of thousands of dollars over the past 4 years before I learned the best methods to earn money online. The entire purpose of this blog is to help you avoid the same mistakes I made.

Before you set off on your journey of discovery it is wise to understand that 80% of you will not succeed in making a success at work from home jobs. The 20% that do make a success can look forward to a satisfying and ultimately rewarding job.

Let us first look at the things we should avoid when we set out in this new business.

  • There is no such thing as get rich quick. Well maybe if you win the lottery there is but not when you work on line, so rule number one is to avoid all claims about making enormous riches fast.

  • If a claim appears "Too good to be true - then it usually is." Rule number two is ignore all advertisements that appear too good to be true. 98% of advertisements about making money online are false.

  • When an advertizer shows you proof of the income his scheme is making the thing you check most carefully are the dates of the payments. If it is too blurred to make out that is usually because it is years out of date and will not work today. Rule number three is never believe what cannot be backed up.

Life online moves faster than life in a High Street business and it is constantly changing. What you can do today you cannot do tomorrow. Big Brother Google employs the brightest brains in the industry to ensure that it controls information worldwide. Information is about verifiable facts. It is not about sales sites. Therefore when Google discovers websites that are only aimed at making sales getting to the front page they change the algorithm that makes these decisions and pushes the sales sites down the ladder into oblivion. When you lose position in the first three pages of your search terms then you can wave goodbye to your income.

This brings us to the positive rules:

  • You will need a website if you are to be a serious contender to succeed. Nobody without a website succeeds. If you are new to the internet, or have limited experience of building websites that work you need to join a large community where you will find support and instructions that will teach you to put your website in the top 1% to 5% of all websites whilst at the same time keeping the search engines, like Google, happy. This is positive rule number one.

  • Each of you have knowledge of something that millions of people worldwide would like to share. it may be cooking, sewing, knitting, car maintenance, driving skills, animal care, writing, photography or a million other things. If you want to please the search engine you should use your website to share this knowledge - this is all they ask for. Having your site make money comes after you have shared your knowledge.

  • Never set out to make many thousand dollars each month online, it is safer to start slowly and learn from experience. Start with a small target of just $100 each month and work diligently until you build it to as much as you wish. If you're going to work at home accept that you should always aim to earn two dollars before you spend one. That is after your initial costs involved setting up a website. Positive rule number 2 is do not set your initial target too high. Walk first, run second.

  • Take on only one project at a time. When you have mastered that project and it is makin money for you then you take on something else. Positive rule number 3 is do one thing at a time - attempt to do more and you will suffer from information overload and fail.

  • Ignore every offer that arrives on your email until you are ready to take on another project. Positive rule number 4 is: The next once in a lifetime offer will arrive at your inbox within 24 hours. Don't be rushed and see rule 3 above - one thing at a time makes a winner.

From time to time this blog and my website will make suggestions of good schemes to help with work at home jobs; when we do they are tried and tested, not something that showed up yesterday and will disappear tomorrow.

Making online income is about doing small things right and building them. Not about starting at the top because from that lofty position it is a long fall to the bottom just to start again.

Other work by Davmac can be found at

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